Lina Cuestas Hill
Children's Author & Illustrator
As an Author/Illustrator, I've gotten great feedback from agents/editors about three of my completed Picture Book manuscripts. I've now turned my attention to illustrating my books with the goal of having a Picture Book package ready soon for submission to industry experts.
To me the visual part of a story is equally as important as the written words. There are amazing illustrators out there doing a beautiful job of enhancing picture book manuscripts--and many of them are my heroes. During my own process of creating a picture book, I actually "see" the story in both words and pictures at the same time, and so I'm having a great deal of fun adding in the artwork to my stories now.
I like many types of art--particularly bold bright colors that fill your senses to the brim. I also like delicate, loose line art with pops of soft color here and there. It really depends on the story, right? I like playing with realism as you can see by my line-rendered cat. And I love, love (did I love?) combining techniques using cut paper and collage, as well as using other traditional and digital techniques. In other words, I sometimes create artwork traditionally, then I scan in those images so I can add additional touches digitally. My technique continues to evolve as my own life evolves, and as tools change and I learn about them.
If you like, you can read more about my background on the About Lina page. I am also planning to share my process with you, from time to time, here on my website's blog. And I will also include how-to tips I come across that might help you, too, bring your own stories to life.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me as it unfolds...
Lina Cuestas Hill
About Me
As an emerging Author/Illustrator, I have gotten positive feedback about the manuscripts of some of the Picture Books I currently have in progress.
To further develop my written stories, at this point in my process, I am now turning my attention to adding the visual aspects as I begin to illustrate these stories. To me, the visual part of the story is equally as important as the written story. It is the other half of the story and I am thrilled to be developing this part of my storytelling abilities.
I am primarily a self-taught illustrator with a love of realism as you can see by my line-rendered cat, but love, love (did I love?) combining techniques using cut paper and collage, as well as using other traditional and digital techniques. In other words, I often create artwork traditionally, then I scan in those images so I can add additional touches digitally.
Thank you for coming along on this journey with me as it unfolds.
Lina Cuestas Hill
My mission
Our children are the future leaders of our world and by having my hand on their collective backs, I intend to fulfill my mission of supporting the expansion of human greatness. My writing and illustrating children’s books was born out of my desire to support children everywhere with positive experiences in the form of reading beautiful, life-affirming books. Why? Because my personal experience has been that encountering beauty in the written word, or in illustrations, can change someone’s life. I know because it changed mine.
Samples of my artwork